Hammond Museum | Virtual Exhibition | Through December 2021

View a virtual exhibition featuring artist members of the Hammond Museum. The exhibition will feature all types of media, video and music by local, national and international artists.
The exhibit will remain on line for a year.

December Exhibition Artists

Douglas Newton ~ Bibiana Huang Matheis 黄家璧 ~ Cassandra Jennings Hall ~ Aisla Islava ~ Patricia Stuart ~ Pam Smilow ~ Nalini Rau ~ Clara Joris ~ Traci R. Meitzler ~ Sheilah Rechtschaffer  ~ Elisa Pritzker ~ Larry Dell ~ Irene Osborn ~ Harriet Forman Barrett ~ Kenneth Sean Golden ~ Shreya Mehta ~ Barbara Masterson ~ Elaine Forrest ~ Chris Farrell ~ Alice Harrison ~ Osiris Munir ~ Luzia Castaneda ~ Juliet Martin ~ Dustan Osborn ~ Karen LaFleur ~ Nancy Tucker ~ Kazaan Viveiros

Event Location and Ticket Information

Date: Monday, August 16, 2021 - Monday, August 23, 2021
Times: All Day

Ticket pricing:
Free event

Presenter: Hammond Museum
Presenter Phone: 914-669-5033
Presenter Website: www.hammondmuseum.org