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Spring Greeting: Florals and Landscapes by Cynthia Mullins

Spring Greeting!

April 2nd to May 3rd Reception on April 9 from 5:30 to 7:30

It’s Spring and we are showcasing beauty with  an uplifting new series of contemporary florals and light drenched landscapes by Cynthia Mullins.

An award-winning Connecticut painter,  Ms. Mullins masterful application of the medium focuses the viewer’s attention on the beauty of the botanical subjects and the textured brushstrokes. Most of her works are in oil, but she uses watercolors or acrylics as under-paintings, to add additional dimension to her work.
Ms Mullins is the winner of numerous awards for her oils and pastels including an award of Excellence from NY Times art critic Benjamin Genocchio.

With all the safety precautions in place, masks required and “open-door” reception on April 9th 



Event Location and Ticket Information

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Oak&Oil Gallery
89 Katonah Avenue
Katonah, NY 10536
Handicap Accessible? Yes

Date: Sunday, April 18, 2021
Times: All Day

Ticket pricing:
Free event

Presenter: Oak&Oil Gallery
Presenter Phone: 914-232-8100
Presenter Website: https://www.oakandoil.com

Sponsor Message

Stop by the Gallery to see uplifting contemporary florals and landscapes by Cynthia Mullins!