
Sculpting for 3D Printing

Ages: Youth 8+

Dive into the basics of 3D sculpting maquettes and action figures in this sculpting class. Students will get to know the basics of Nomad as they create their own characters using simple geometry and see them realized as 3D-printed magnets and figures. Students will learn how sculpting translates to animation as they rig their figures to perform motion-captured dance moves. If a student has already participated in this class, the instructor will help them develop and hone their skills.

Event Location and Ticket Information

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Pelham Art Center
155 Fifth Ave
Pelham, NY
Handicap Accessible? Yes

Date: Monday, July 15, 2024 - Friday, July 19, 2024
Times: 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Ticket pricing:

Get tickets now
$325 - Non-Members
$293 - Members