
Relax and Restore Sound Bath with Dr. Celine Daly and Julie Harris

Immerse yourself into a therapeutic sound journey consisting of singing bowls, gongs, drums, flutes and more. Sound vibration affects all the cells of the body to reduce stress, align and balance the body’s energy centers while harmonizing body, mind and spirit. The program starts with a short opening relaxation followed by sound immersion. During a sound bath, the frequencies and complex overtones of the vibrational instruments wash over and through you, stimulating the body’s self-healing capacity by calming and recalibrating the nervous system. You simply receive, allow and let go. Sound bath participants often report a lifted mood and lasting sense of heightened well-being.

Bring your own favorite mat, blanket and pillow to lie on. Limited in-house supply available. Chairs will be available if you prefer to be seated

Presented by Harmonic Alchemy, a collaboration of Dr. Celine Daly and Julie Harris.

Dr. Celine Daly is a physician who has studied sound healing. An accomplished Native American-style flute player, she is also a trained yoga teacher and certified in medical acupuncture. Julia Harris is a Karuna Reiki Master and an award-winning Native American-style flute player who has studied sound healing. She is trained in acupressure and is a minister in the Heart River Center for Intuitive Healing

Event Location and Ticket Information

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Wainwright House
260 Stuyvesant Ave
Rye, NY 10580
Handicap Accessible? Yes

Date: Sunday, July 30, 2017
Times: 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Ticket pricing:

Get tickets now
$25 - Member
$30 - Non-Member
$35 - At Door

Presenter: Wainwright House
Presenter Phone: 914-967-6080
Presenter Website: wainwright.org