Director Camilla Nielsson’s new film follows a young, ambitious leader and presidential hopeful in Zimbabwe’s 2018 election. Working to defeat the ruling party, which has controlled Zimbabwe since independence, is the dedicated and charismatic Nelson Chamisa, who draws comparisons to a young Nelson Mandela in expressing the country’s utmost desire to be “led” and not “ruled.” After decades of a corrupt group clinging to power using any tool available–legal or not–can a free, fair, and transparent election be truly possible? As the follow-up to her widely acclaimed Democrats, Nielsson brings viewers into the heart of the struggle for power with stunningly close access and unhesitating courage, in a nation closely monitored by the entire world.
Event Location and Ticket Information
Jacob Burns Film Center
364 Manville Road
Pleasantville, 10570
Handicap Accessible? Yes
Date: Thursday, March 24, 2022
Times: 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Ticket pricing:
Get tickets now
$10 - Members
$15 - Nonmembers
Presenter: Jacob Burns Film Center