Online Course – When Arts Collide – with Jill Kiefer, Ph.D.

When Arts Collide – Online Course with Jill Kiefer, Ph.D.

In this four-week series, we’ll explore four outstanding examples of how new experiences are born when art and literature collide!

Sandro Botticelli: The Drawings for Dante’s ‘Divine Comedy’ 
In the 1480s, the Italian Renaissance master, Sandro Botticelli, was commissioned by Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco de’ Medici to make a series of drawings to illustrate Dante’s Divine Comedy. Botticelli gave stunning visual form to the poet’s epic journey through Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise. The project was never completed and the sheets were scattered. Now, more than 500 years after their creation, all 91 existing — and very fragile — vellum sheets have been reassembled.
Wed. 4/14 @ 10 AM

Henri Matisse: Florilège Des Amours De Ronsard 
Henri Matisse started working on the Florilège project, in collaboration with the publisher Albert Skira, in 1941, but it took 7 years for the work to be completed. The delay was due, in part, to the war and difficulties with the font types. But the primary delay resulted from the enormous amount of time and attention that Matisse himself spent on the project, from the actual creation of the images down to all the minutiae of the printing of the lithographs.
Wed. 4/21 @ 10 AM

Salvador Dali’s Alice in Wonderland Suite 
Alice in Wonderland illustrated by Salvador Dali is one of the most unusual and colorful books ever made. The work was created in a collaboration between two significant figures: Master of verbal fantasies Lewis Carroll and the artist that claimed to be Surrealism himself – Salvador Dali. Published by Maecenas Press-Random House, New York’s in 1969 and distributed as their book of the month, the volume went on to become one of the most sought-after Dali suites of all time.
Wed. 4/28 @ 10 AM

Matt Kish One Drawing for Every Page of Moby-Dick 
Inspired by one of the world’s greatest novels, Ohio artist Matt Kish set out on an epic voyage of his own one day in August 2009. More than one hundred and fifty years following the original publication of Moby-Dick, Kish began illustrating Herman Melville’s classic, creating images based on text selected from every page of the 552-page Signet Classics paperback edition. Completely self-taught, Kish refused to set any boundaries for the artwork and employed a deliberately low-tech approach in response to the increasing popularity of digital art and literature.
Wed. 5/5 @ 10 AM

Event Location and Ticket Information

Date: Wednesday, May 5, 2021
Times: 10:00 am - 11:00 am

Ticket pricing:
Free event
Get tickets now

Presenter: Bethany Arts Community