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NEU To Do for Kids: Create Your Own Pop Art using the Hard-edge Painting Technique

While the Neuberger Museum of Art is temporarily closed, visit our NEU To Do for Kids page for weekly suggestions of art-related activities and projects that are perfect for kids to do at home.

This week: Create Your Own Pop Art using the Hard-edge Painting Technique
A project inspired by the work of Robert Indiana

In this week’s project, students explore the use of color and form.
Learn about this influential Pop artist and create a hard-edge painting inspired by his work.

(Hard-edge painting is an approach to abstract painting that was popular in the 1960s. It uses bold, flat colors and sharp edges.)

>>> Download the Project Worksheet

Be sure to share your creations on social media #NEUtoDoKids!

Related NEU Activity Worksheets

Event Location and Ticket Information

Date: Monday, June 29, 2020
Times: All Day

Ticket pricing:
Free event

Presenter: Neuberger Museum of Art, Purchase College
Presenter Website: https://www.purchase.edu/neuberger-museum-of-art/neu-to-do-for-kids/