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“Moving through Story, Movie, Myth”: A Generative Poetry Workshop in connection with Tyler Mills’s Poetry Studio: Prompts for Poets taught by Tyler Mills (Via Zoom)

Drawing from prompts in Poetry Studio: Prompts for Poets (University of Akron Press 2024)“Moving through Story, Movie, Myth” will invite writers to dive into writing poems about myth, TV, film, and prior stories. You’ll tangle with objects, scenes, perspectives, and moods. You’ll think about color, shape, and character. You’ll think about the creative self as a kind of director and as an observer, or audience. We’ll write together, drawing from prompts and sample poems, and we’ll talk about the work we make in discussion groups that offer gentle feedback. You’ll leave this class with 3-4 brand new drafts that you can take with you and keep working on. (Purchasing the book is encouraged but not required for this course.)

Tyler Mills is the author of the memoir The Bomb Cloud (Unbound Edition Press 2024), which received a Literature Grant from the Café Royal Foundation NYC. Her poetry guidebook, Poetry Studio: Prompts for Poets, is forthcoming this summer from the University of Akron Press. She is the author of the poetry books City Scattered (Tupelo Press 2022), Hawk Parable (University of Akron Press 2019), Tongue Lyre (Crab Orchard Series in Poetry First Book Award, Southern Illinois University Press 2013), and co-author with Kendra DeColo of Low Budget Movie (Diode Editions 2021). A poet and essayist, her poems have appeared in The New YorkerThe GuardianThe New Republic, the Kenyon ReviewThe Believer, and Poetry, and her essays in AGNIBrevityCopper NickelRiver Teeth, and The Rumpus. She teaches for Sarah Lawrence College’s Writing Institute and the Provincetown Fine Arts Work Center’s 24PearlStreet and lives in Brooklyn, on part of the unceded homeland of the Lenape people.

Event Location and Ticket Information

Date: Saturday, August 3, 2024
Times: 12:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Ticket pricing:

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Presenter: Hudson Valley Writers Center
Presenter Phone: 9143325953
Presenter Website: https://writerscenter.org/calendar/promotspoets/