Innovation Corporation, a Jazz Ensemble

Innovation Corporation is a brand new collaboration of jazz and funk veterans guitarist Kelvyn Bell (Arthur Blythe, Defunkt, Cassandra Wilson, Lester Bowie) saxophonist Bobby Zankel (Cecil Taylor, Ray Anderson, Marilyn Crispell), drummer Tony Lewis (Dizzy Gillespie, Sting, Little Richard, Rakim) and bassist Kevin Ray (Matthew Shipp, Andrew Hill, John Hicks, Oliver Lake). They came together out of the sheer pleasure and joy they found in each other’s company, both musically and socially. Their music is a raucous and ecstatic mix of their various influences and experiences.

Weather permitting, this concert will be held outdoors, .

Contact the Mount Vernon Public Library at (914) 668-1840 for more information.

Innovation Corporation is proud to be a grantee of ArtsWestchester with funding by Westchester County government with the support of County Executive George Latimer.

Event Location and Ticket Information

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Mount Vernon Public Library Rotunda
28 So. First St.
Mount Vernon, New York 10550
Handicap Accessible? Yes

Date: Saturday, June 8, 2024
Times: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Ticket pricing:
Free event

Presenter: Innovation Corporation
Presenter Phone: 914.668.1840
Presenter Website: Innovation Corporation