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Hudson Valley MOCA is ONLINE

Hudson Valley MOCA is online!


The Mask Making submissions are on line! https://www.hudsonvalleymoca.org/new-opportunities


Writing the Walls is online! The words are recorded by a selected group of poets, the images are of the art that inspired the writing. The whole project is also posted! https://www.hudsonvalleymoca.org/writing-the-walls



Climbing the Walls  – a project that asked for artists across the genres to contribute, visual art, music, monologues, and poetry that explore the ways we are experiencing life now and how we imagine the future.

Our goal was to interweave the works, creating a collaborative, on-line, devised performance piece. Starting June 13, the work will be seen on the websites of both organizations.

We will present 2-3 works per week, so visit again to see the new work on:

www.studiotheaterinexile.com and www.HudsonValleyMOCA.com

Event Location and Ticket Information

Date: Saturday, July 4, 2020
Times: 12:00 am

Ticket pricing:
Free event

Presenter: Hudson Valley MOCAdson Valley MOCA & Studio Theater in Exile
Presenter Phone: 914-788-0100
Presenter Website: www.HudsonValleyMOCA.com