
Gallery B: Larry Gordon – Straight and Curving Rhythmic Beats

Straight and Curving Rhythmic Beats

On view: June 12 – July 20
Artist Talk: June 13, 5:30 – 7:00 PM

Walk through a collection of work that breeds a dynamism of abstracts, vibrant colors and rhythmic shapes. Leave feeling groovy. Join us for an artist talk with wonderous artist, Larry Gordon, and find out more about these synesthetic pieces.

Larry Gordon

Larry Gordon, founding principal of an architectural firm, received his Bachelor of Architecture from The Cooper Union School of Art and Architecture and his M. Arch from MIT on a Compton Fellowship. His love of painting dates back to his attendance at Music & Art High School in NYC. and The Art Students League of New York. He was adjunct Associate Professor at New York Institute of Technology and a visiting critic at City University.

His work can be found in both gallery solo and group shows, as well as in private collections.

Artist Statement

I have continuously been involved in the arts as a painter – dividing my day between my architectural practice and painting. I believe both arts complement each other and reinforce the creative process. My years as an architect has influenced my art and informed my work. It is carefully structured as I would plan a building. In many of my large paintings every section could be the subject of a new painting, but hold together as a whole, a clear unity, which requires continues looking and, I hope new discoveries. .

Experience my paintings as you would music. Look at the canvas without insisting to understanding the unfamiliar. Experience the color and appreciate the forms. I use transparency, overlapping shapes and images. Many of my paintings aim at a joyful and playful celebration of color– at times embracing excess.

Except for a general overall concept, I have no preconceived idea for an individual work and, instead, let the painting take me on a journey. I hope the viewer will have a direct relationship with the painting. I have decontextualized the painting. The shapes become dematerialized and abstract . Each shape produces a powerful effect, but together their decorative impact is based on linear form and color. The use of color is divorced from subject and independent from the picture meaning.

I have used contrast between vertical banding and the sharp curves that play against it, inflecting the entire surface with a counterpoint between straight and curving rhythmic beats. I have eliminated the distinctions between ground and figure upon which traditional composition depends.

Event Location and Ticket Information

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The Rye Arts Center
51 Milton Rd
Rye, NY 10580
Handicap Accessible? Yes

Date: Wednesday, June 12, 2024 - Saturday, July 20, 2024
Times: 12:00 am

Ticket pricing:
Free event

Presenter: The Rye Arts Center
Presenter Phone: 9146908733
Presenter Website: ryeartscenter.org