Back on the Big Screen: Hollywood Highlights 1952-1982

For decades, Hollywood has produced a seemingly endless amount of film spectacles that have captivated audiences from several generations. To kick off the summer season, “Retro Revival” is screening some of the biggest, loudest, brightest, most entertaining films from a large stretch of Hollywood history. Sure, home theater setups are pretty intense these days, but this list of films, no matter how many times you’ve seen them, no matter how great the Blu-ray looks on your 4K TV, demand the Big Screen treatment—and this June, “Retro Revival” has you covered!

June 11: The French Connection 

June 13: The Bridge on the River Kwai

June 14: Vertigo

June 20: Blade Runner: The Final Cut

June 21: Close Encounters of the Third Kind (Director’s Cut)

June 25: Lawrence of Arabia

June 28: Spartacus

Event Location and Ticket Information

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Jacob Burns Film Center
364 Manville Road
Pleasantville, 10570
Handicap Accessible? Yes

Date: Wednesday, June 13, 2018
Times: All Day

Ticket pricing:

Get tickets now

Presenter: Jacob Burns Film Center
Presenter Phone: 914.747.5555
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