An Evening of New Poetry with Rachel Hadas & Patrick James Errington (in person at HVWC)

Join Jennifer Franklin as she welcomes acclaimed poets and translators, Rachel Hadas & Patrick James Errington  for a celebration of their new poetry collections.

NB: This reading will take place in person at HVWC.

Rachel Hadas is the recently retired Board of Governors Professor of English at Rutgers University—Newark. She is the author of more than 20 books of poetry, essays, and translations. Hadas studied classics at Harvard, poetry at Johns Hopkins, and comparative literature at Princeton. Between college and graduate school, she spent four years living in Greece, an experience that surfaces variously in much of her work. Since 1981, she taught in the English Department of the Newark (NJ) campus of Rutgers University. She has also taught courses in literature and writing at Columbia and Princeton, as well as serving on the poetry faculty of the Sewanee Writers’ Conference and the West Chester Poetry Conference.Hadas has received a Guggenheim fellowship in Poetry, an Ingram Merrill Foundation grant in poetry, and an award in literature from the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters.

Patrick James Errington is an award-winning Scottish-Canadian poet, translator, and academic. He’s the author of the chapbooks Glean (2018) and Field Studies (2019) and the collection the swailing (2023), and has received numerous prizes, including the Poetry International Prize, the Callan Gordon Award from the Scottish Book Trust, and the RBC Bronwen Wallace Award from the Writers’ Trust of Canada. He has translated, among others, singer-songwriter PJ Harvey’s The Hollow of the Hand into French (2017) and is currently translating then French-Romanian philosopher E.M. Cioran’s Notebooks for New York Review Books. As an researcher, Patrick’s work spans creative writing, literary theory, philosophy, cognitive psychology, and neuroaesthetics. Patrick currently lives in Edinburgh where he is a professor at the University of Edinburgh. His work was just featured in Forbes.

About Ghost Guest (Ragged Sky Press, September 22, 2023)

“What is there I will not let go?” asks the introductory poem in Ghost Guest. With effortless authority, Rachel Hadas’s new collection keeps answering that question. Memories of places and people segue to elegies, which lead to meditations on art and poetry, mythology and, especially, teaching. Dreamy yet precise, celebratory yet attuned to mortality, these valedictory poems tell us exactly what crucial and intangible things Rachel Hadas will not let go.

In Ghost GuestRachel Hadas embraces important and eternal themes-family, mortality, the relentlessness of time passing, the unreliability of memory, the fresh renewal of returning spring-and treats them with the utterly flexible skill of her seasoned and artful decades-long practice, being now conversational in tone, now notational in style, suddenly deftly formal, or classically lyrical. This latest collection offers constant pleasure, enlightenment, and surprise. -Lydia Davis, author of Our Strangers

Rachel Hadas has long been one of the essential voices in American poetry, sustaining her readers with a steady, steadying supply of observations and meditations couched in disarmingly intimate tones and coolly classical rhythms. This latest collection finds her clearing out the store of priceless impressions built up over a lifetime and asking, at the end of the opening poem, “What is there I will not let go?” The answer lies in the elegies, recollections, and reflections that follow-a tonic offering of wisdom, an antidote to the flood of “toneless syllables / marching across countless little tablets.” -Boris Dralyuk, author of My Hollywood and Other Poems

Like late Rembrandt, Rachel Hadas creates in the glow of candor and acceptance. Like late Elizabeth Bishop, Hadas writes with the wonder of detail. She is that rare poet of whom we can say that even after twenty volumes, she composes with refreshing ease, warmth of craft, and a probing curiosity about the thin line between the lived life and the afterlife. In Ghost Guest Rachel Hadas writes from her personal Parnassus. -Molly Peacock, author of The Analyst: Poems

About the swailing (McGill University Press, 2023):

Here the long edge / of town Low / winter fog / … My breath / my offering We are / our bodies burning Firmly rooted in fire-haunted landscapes that are at once psychological, emotional, and fiercely real, Patrick Errington’s first collection traces the brittle boundaries between presence and absence, keeping and killing, cruelty and tenderness. In these poems human voices whisper through the natural world – a hand turns on a lamp to extinguish the stars; stones outline a sleeping form; a black eye is a storm cloud. Errington stokes vivid images, formal grace, and subtle humour into the flickers of life that hold fast against unforgiving terrain. Here language functions like a controlled burn, one that could at any moment preserve, perfect, or reduce to ash. Urgent, resonant to the bone, the swailing burns to the ember-edge of grief, memory, and control to find the wildness, wilderness, and wonder that remain.

“The slow burn of these poems culminates in evocative and expansive lyricism.” Poetry Foundation

“Gorgeous poems which seem to shimmer on that constantly shifting border between the body and the landscape.” Andrew McMillan, author of pandemonium

“Like figures walking through the smoke from a burning field, Errington’s poems emerge with remarkable definition, clarity, and surprise.” Bronwen Wallace Prize jury citation

Event Location and Ticket Information

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Hudson Valley Writers’ Center
300 Riverside Drive
Sleepy Hollow, NY 10591
Handicap Accessible? Yes

Date: Saturday, October 7, 2023
Times: 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Ticket pricing:
Free event
Get tickets now

Presenter: Hudson Valley Writers Center
Presenter Phone: 9143325953
Presenter Website: