365/12: A Year of Drawings


In October 2016, Gregory Nemec set himself the task of creating daily pen and ink drawings. Each day, Nemec posted his latest drawing to social media and got recommendations from friends for upcoming subjects. He also used prompts from Instagram and researched new topics. This form of collaborative creating led to, as he puts it, “art that wouldn’t have existed any otherway.” The twelve resulting illustrations are displayed at Arc Stages’ Schiffman Butterfield Gallery in Pleasantville through February 24. Nemec’s work has appeared in The New York Times Book Review, The Wall Street Journal and more.




Event Location and Ticket Information

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Arc Stages
147 Wheeler Ave
Pleasantville, NY
Handicap Accessible? Yes

Date: Tuesday, December 5, 2017
Times: All Day

Ticket pricing:
Free event

Presenter: Arc Stages
Presenter Phone: 914.747.6206
Presenter Website: arcstages.org