
3D Animation Certificate-180 Hrs

**Due to the pandemic, classes are meeting remotely via Zoom at the time scheduled.**

This is a one-year, non-credit certificate program. Students must register for the entire program at time of registration. The culminating experience will be the creation of a demo reel for their portfolio to show employers or schools in order to continue on their career paths. Demo reels will be exhibited in a certificate completion exhibition.

This certificate program will take students through the 3D animation production pipeline and cover many facets of 3D creation. From modeling assets and characters to animating and final rendering, this certificate will guide you through the fundamental principles of 3D animation. Whether you are interested in film, video games, or commercial work, these courses will get you on the right trajectory. Prepare for an intensive exploration! Prerequisite: Basic computer knowledge.

Register for the entire certificate for $1,749!

All interested students should contact the Assistant Director, Eric Mantell, at eric.mantell@sunywcc.edu or 914-606-7321.

View Read More for class descriptions.

Module I
Modeling I for Animation-30 Hrs
This course will introduce students to creating hard surface modeling such as vehicles and assets for production in Autodesk Maya. The course will consist of demonstrations combined with discussion and tutorials created by the instructor; in-class exercises and an assignment will be given every week. In addition, different lighting scenarios such as interior, exterior, and studio lighting with Arnold renderer will be also covered.
CE-DGART 2093PE, 10 Mon., Sept. 14-Nov. 23 (skip Oct. 26), 6:30-9:30 pm. #90435

Animation I-30 Hrs
This course will introduce students to animating in Maya. Students will start with the basics and learn about the twelve principles of animation. Some assignment examples will consist of a bouncing ball, walk-cycles, jumping, and kick ball.
CE-DGART 2094PE, 10 Wed., Sept. 16-Dec. 2 (skip Oct. 28 & Nov. 25), 6:30-9:30 pm. #90436


Module II
Modeling II/Digital Sculpting for Concept and Animation-30 Hrs
This course will introduce students to creating organic characters and sculpture for production using Autodesk Maya, ZBrush, and Mudbox. This course will introduce students to creating hard-surface & organic characters and sculpture for production and concept art with Pixologic ZBrush. We will also cover the 3D printing process and print work. The course will consist of demonstrations combined with discussion, and tutorials created by the instructor, in-class exercises and an assignment will be given every week. In addition, students will be given different lighting scenarios such as interior, exterior and studio lighting with Arnold renderer. (Prerequisite Modeling I for Animation)
CE-DGART 2095PE, 10 Mon., Feb. 1-Apr. 5, 2021, 6:30-9:30 pm. #90437

Animation II-30 Hrs
As a continuation to Animation I, students will now look at creating basic rig setups to more advanced rig setups for characters and assets. Towards the end of this course, the class will focus on the importance of posing and body mechanics for animation. (Pre-requisite Animation I)
CE-DGART 2096PE, 10 Wed., Feb. 3-Apr. 7, 2021, 6:30-9:30 pm. #90438


Module III
Animation III-30 Hrs
As a continuation to Animation II, students will learn about creating storyboards, animatics, and creating an animation based on their own stories. Each student will create a mini 15 second animation with a pre-rigged character of choice. Students will also be recording their own live video reference to help with timing for their animations. (Pre-requisite Animation II)
CE-DGART 2097PE, 10 Mon., May 3-July 19, 2021 (skip May 31 & July 5), 6:30-9:30 pm. #90439

Demo Reel Creation and Exhibition-30 Hrs
In this course, students will use the technical, drawing, and storytelling skills they have learned in the previous courses to produce their own demo reel. It is expected that the reel will be of a high degree of finish regardless of the content. In addition, students will investigate survival skills and portfolio practices necessary to work as a professional, freelance, or independent computer graphic artist. Students will exhibit their final work at CENTER FOR THE DIGITAL ARTS GALLERY.
CE-DGART 2098PE, 10 Wed., May 5-July 7, 2021, 6:30-9:30 pm, Exhibition: Mon., Dec. 6, 2021-Jan. 3, 2022. #90440

Event Location and Ticket Information

Date: Monday, September 14, 2020 - Wednesday, July 7, 2021
Times: 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm

Ticket pricing:

Presenter: Center for the Digital Arts, Peekskill Extension
Presenter Phone: 914-606-7300
Presenter Website: www.sunywcc.edu/peekskill