The Lego Movie

The first-ever full-length theatrical LEGO movie follows Emmet (voiced by Chris Pratt), an ordinary, rules-following, perfectly average LEGO mini-figure who loves the “Everything Is AWESOME!!!” song, who is mistakenly identified as the key to saving his LEGO world. Drafted into a fellowship of strangers, including an old mystic (voiced by Morgan Freeman) and LEGO Batman (voiced by Will Arnett), he is put on an epic quest to stop an evil tyrant bent on destroying the LEGO universe, a journey for which Emmett is hopelessly and hilariously underprepared. Now the fate of the world is in his tiny yellow hands. Prepare yourself for…the greatest movie ever assembled!

Event Location and Ticket Information

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Jacob Burns Film Center
364 Manville Rd.
Pleasantville, New York 10570
Handicap Accessible? Yes

Date: Saturday, July 9, 2022
Times: 11:00 am

Ticket pricing:

Get tickets now

Presenter: Jacob Burns Film Center
Presenter Phone: 9147475555

Sponsor Message

This series is presented in partnership with: Westchester Library System