Muppet Treasure Island
Based on the novel written by Robert Louis Stevenson, Jim Hawkins (Kevin Bishop) and his Muppet friends Gonzo and Rizzo head out to sea in search of buried treasure, but they must also survive treacherous pirates including the toughest of them all, Long John Silver (Tim Curry). Brian Henson, son of Jim Henson, directed this high sea adventure.
This film is part of the JBFC Kids series.
Event Location and Ticket Information
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Jacob Burns Film Center
364 Manville Road
Pleasantville, 10570
Handicap Accessible? Yes
Date: Saturday, September 23, 2023
Times: 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Ticket pricing:
11 - Member
16 - Nonmember
9 - Child
Presenter Website: