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Photography with a Purpose

Westchester Photographic Society (WPS) invites you to join us in the 2023-2024 season of programming, featuring numerous presentations by renowned photographers, photo competitions, member presentations, and other events.  We meet over Zoom on Friday evenings at 7:30 p.m.  See http://wpsphoto.org for our upcoming schedule of events.

The WPS is one of the largest, friendliest camera clubs in Westchester County, New York. We offer photo enthusiasts a venue to immerse themselves in a world of creativity and artistic expression. Our club was established by enthusiasts with passion for photography. From its early days, the clubs’ focus was on a collaborative effort to develop a relationship among its members to advance creative thinking and embrace artistic passion for photography. This concept become an important feature of the club’s identification and was referred to as “photography with a purpose”.

Membership is open to all photo enthusiasts with different interests and level of experience, from novices to professional photographers. Our members work in black-and-white, color prints, video, and post processing. We are renowned for our unique “open mind” photography, which stretches the boundaries of imagination.

WPS weekly sessions feature diversified programs: We offer presentations by expert photographers, technical lectures, workshops, demonstrations, and member showcases. We also offer monthly competitions with renown judges, photo critiques, mentoring, exhibits, and field trips in a friendly and supportive atmosphere. A key WPS feature is that most sessions are recorded allowing members full access to view past events, a privilege not available to non-members.

Our aim is to provide opportunities for everyone to achieve the highest levels of artistic expression, improve and sharpen photographic skills, inspire, and collaborate. We bring together people with a passion for photography, to develop friendships, and to share ideas, knowledge, and imagination.

We meet every Friday evening at 7:30 P.M. (Eastern) on Zoom, all year round (except holidays and unforeseen circumstances). We invite you to join our family and become a member. To learn more and join our club please visit us at https://www.wpsphoto.org

WPS offers the public selective free events where guests can register and attend our sessions. To find such events, search under the “Calendar/Find Arts Events” menu and select the “Photography” category.

For questions and assistance email me at leon@wpsphoto.org

Event Location and Ticket Information

Date: Friday, February 16, 2024
Times: 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm

Ticket pricing:
Free event

Presenter Website: https://www.wpsphoto.org