Footloose is the story of Ren McCormack, a teenage boy from Chicago. He and his mother move to the small town of Bomont after his father abandons them. Upon arriving, Ren finds himself at odds with most of the town, including the Reverend Bomont. The Reverend has convinced the town to outlaw dancing, which Ren finds unbelievable. With the help of the Ariel (the Reverend’s daughter) and Willard (a country hick who becomes his best friend), Ren convinces the Reverend to let the teenagers dance, and in the process helps the town to heal from a tragedy that affected them all.
Other Performance dates:
Sunday, Nov 6 and 13 at 2pm
Event Location and Ticket Information
Bryn Mawr Hall
20 Buckingham Road
Yonkers, NY
Handicap Accessible? No
Date: Saturday, November 5, 2016
Times: 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Ticket pricing:
Get tickets now
$25 - Adult
$23 - Seniors/Students
$18 - General Admission (November 3 only)
Presenter: Actors Conservatory Theatre
Presenter Phone: 914.391.6558
Presenter Website: