
Westchester Symphonic Winds Spring Concert – \\\”Diamonds & Dragons\\\”

Westchester Symphonic Winds (WSW) is proud to present an exciting evening of music on Saturday, May 13 at 8:00 pm at the Tarrytown Music Hall. The concert will feature a diverse program of works from eight international composers including Steven Bryant, Omar Thomas, Mike Mower, James Beckel, Henri Kling, Hirokazu Fukushima, Viet Cuong, and Vasily Kalinnikov.

Under the direction of Curt Ebersole, the band will conclude its 35th Anniversary series of Tarrytown Music Hall concerts with this performance. “This concert will be a celebration of the rich and diverse repertoire of wind band music,” said Maestro Ebersole. “Audience members will be treated to a range of styles and moods, from the lush harmonies of Shenandoah to the playful energy of The Elephant and the Fly, and the intense energy of Eternal Memoir – Saga of the Lucky Dragon. We’re thrilled to close the program, as we do every five years, with the antiphonal brass sounds of the Kalinnikov Finale.”

The concert will take place at the Tarrytown Music Hall, located at 13 Main Street, Tarrytown, NY 10591. General admission tickets are $20, and student/senior tickets are available for $15. Tickets can be purchased in advance at [Ticketing Website], or at the door on the night of the performance.

Program includes:

BRYANT – In This Broad Earth
THOMAS – Shenandoah
MOWER – Concerto for Flute and Wind Orchestra, Staff Sergeant Katrina Owens, flute soloist
BECKEL – Through a Window, Staff Sergeant Keith Kile, tuba soloist
KLING – The Elephant and the Fly, Staff Sergeant Katrina Owens, piccolo soloist; Staff Sergeant Keith Kile, tuba soloist
FUKUSHIMA – Eternal Memoir-Saga of the Lucky Dragon, Dr. John P. Lynch, conductor
CUONG – Diamond Tide
KALINNIKOV – Finale from Symphony No. 1

To Purchase Tickets: Tickets for this performance are priced at $20 for adults, $15 for students and seniors, and free of charge for children under 10. Tickets may be purchased in person at the Tarrytown Music Hall box office, by calling 877-840-0457, or online at https://tickets.tarrytownmusichall.org/eventperformances.asp?evt=2701.

WSW’s first performance of its 35th Anniversary Season was recorded and broadcast at Tarrytown Music Hall through generous donor support. As WSW concludes its series of Tarrytown concerts with this performance, gifts in recognition of the ensemble’s 35th Anniversary can be made by visiting their campaign online at https://donorbox.org/wsw-35th-anniversary-fund.

WSW is a dedicated ensemble of musicians who share a love of wind band music. The band is made up of individuals from all walks of life, and welcomes new members of all skill levels.

For more information about the concert or the Westchester Symphonic Winds, please visit www.westchestersymphonicwinds.org.

Event Location and Ticket Information

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Tarrytown Music Hall
13 Main Street
Tarrytown, NY 10591
Handicap Accessible? Yes

Date: Saturday, May 13, 2023
Times: 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Ticket pricing:

Get tickets now
$20 - General admission
$15 - Students/Seniors
Free admission - 10 years and under

Presenter: Westchester Symphonic Winds
Presenter Phone: 914-281-1076
Presenter Website: www.westchestersymphonicwinds.org