Angelica Women’s Chamber Choir Concert: This Endris Night

Angelica Women’s Chamber Choir, directed by Marie Caruso, presents This Endris Night on Saturday, December 7th, 7:30 pm, in Hastings-on-Hudson, NY. The program features selections from Heinrich Isaac’s rarely heard Christmas Mass, “Introitus, Puer natus est” and Alleluia, Dies sanctificatus”; lullaby carols from the 14th and 15th centuries; premieres by John Milne (“The Virgin’s Lullaby Lament”) and Julie Dolphin (“Lullaby After Christmas”); and Benjamin Britten’s A Ceremony of Carols.  Joining Angelica is harpist Joy Plaisted.

Event Location and Ticket Information

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First Reformed Church of Hastings
18 Farragut Ave
Handicap Accessible? Yes

Date: Saturday, December 7, 2019
Times: 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Ticket pricing:

Get tickets now
- Suggested donation: $20; $10 seniors & students.

Presenter: Angelica Women's Chamber Choir
Presenter Phone: 9144783267
Presenter Website: