Resident Roll Call Workshop

Resident Roll Call: Kelsey Duncan, Jon McMillan, and Mari Ogihara


Sat-Mon January 19 – 21
10 AM – 4 PM
Public Lecture Sunday, January 13th, 5:30pm
Registration is available for individual days at $150. Call the front desk to sign up!
Hands on

Clay Art Center is bringing back these three Artists-In-Residence for a hand-on, sculpture-centric workshop with each artist. Learn how to sculpt a human hand in all of its detail with Kelsey, make body forms using intricately latticed structures with Mari, and use various application methods on abstract forms to achieve unique surfaces with Jon.

One artist will demo per day from 10am-12pm, and the hands-on component will be from 1pm-4pm.

A public slide lecture will be held on Sunday starting at 5:30.

Click Here to Register:

About the Artists:
Kelsey Duncan- Originally from Southeast Idaho, Duncan received his Bachelors of Fine Art from the University of Montana and his Masters in Fine Art from Ohio University. He has been an artist in residence at the Clay Art Center in Port Chester, New York, the International Ceramics Studio in Kecskemet, Hungary, and a summer resident at the Archie Bray Foundation for Ceramic Arts and Pioneer School Zanesville. His work has been exhibited in group and solo exhibitions throughout the United States and Eastern Europe. Duncan has been an instructor of record at Ohio University and a long-term instructor at the Archie Bray Foundation, the 92Y and the Clay Art Center in New York. Most recently he was the recipient of the Rudy Autio Creative Initiative Grant and the Elaine Hoffman Rattet Grant for the Ceramic Arts. Duncan is currently represented by Abmeyer Wood Fine Art gallery in Seattle, Washington.

Mari Ogihara is a sculptor exploring themes of duality, resilience, beauty and serenity as experienced through the female gaze.
Her artwork is a junction between opposing worlds deriving inspiration from animism, religion, fashion and architectural follies.
The sculptures express an arrested motion balancing the past, present & future. Bridging the gap between the complexity of the inner and outer self interests her.

Jon McMillan is an artist and educator currently residing in Fredericksburg, Virginia, where he is an Associate Professor of Ceramics at the University of Mary Washington. He holds an MFA from Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, and a BFA from James Madison University, where he also earned a minor in Art History. After undergraduate school, Jon worked for seven years as a full time functional potter while freelancing as a professional cook. Currently, he makes functional and sculptural ceramic artwork, both of which are exhibited widely. This past year, Jon taught ceramics workshops in Houston, Texas, and Vallauris, France, where he also undertook a month long artist residency. When he is not in the studio, he enjoys playing musical instruments and spending time outdoors, either boating or hiking.

Event Location and Ticket Information

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Clay Art Center
40 Beech Street
Port Chester, New York 10573
Handicap Accessible? Yes

Date: Saturday, January 19, 2019 - Monday, January 21, 2019
Times: 12:00 am

Ticket pricing:

Presenter: Clay Art Center
Presenter Phone: 914-937-2047
Presenter Website: