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Art Over Algorithms: New Yonkers Film School Prioritizes Social Impact

It is no secret that there is a rampant consumption of media and digital content in our society. From a young age, children are spoon fed a variety of narratives through digital media that begin to shape their world views. What if, instead of trying to separate kids from this technology, they were encouraged to use it in a way that makes a positive impact on society?

Hezues R, founder of S.I.C. Film School is doing just that.  He explains: “Our focus is to change the content that’s being created and how it’s consumed; which impacts everyone.” The S.I.C. Film School is an education platform, located in Yonkers, NY, that centers around the idea of generating “Social Impact Content,” empowering youth to explore social issues that are affecting them. By giving students access to high-end technology, connecting them with working industry professionals, and enrolling them in a hands-on curriculum, they are equipped to work in the film industry through the lens of social reform.

SIC Film School Campus

The S.I.C. Film School has two models — one is a for-profit school, which sustains the other side of the coin — the nonprofit S.I.C. Fund. R anticipates that the school will bring in its first class at the beginning of 2025, welcoming 48 students each quarter. It will follow a 10-week intensive program beginning with the basics of the industry, and getting students on the sets of major productions. Due to the non-traditional college framework, this allows students to prepare by learning the tools they need to begin working in the industry right away.

Due to the flexibility of the program’s timeline, working industry professionals will teach at S.I.C.. “We’re trying to have as many touch-points as possible to give them access and opportunities within the industry,” says R. The students will be awarded with a certification upon completion of the program, and will leave with internship opportunities and exclusive connections.  

The non-profit S.I.C. Fund gives back directly to the community, offering free programs for local Westchester youth aged 14-19. Programming has already begun for this model, which offers courses on lighting, film, editing, etc. Major brands have partnered with S.I.C. Fund, such as Best Buy, Apple Music and Sony. “I think it’s important to have those collaborations with major media brands, because it gives credibility in the eyes of the kids who are influenced by the lifestyle and culture [they see in the media every day],” says R. In addition to external media companies, S.I.C. yields high-end technology, including a hologram studio, VR headsets and the S.I.C. Tank — a mobile production vehicle that was converted from an ambulance.

Hezues R, founder of S.I.C. Film School

Coming from adversity himself, R knows first-hand the importance of providing youth with these opportunities. He moved into the education space with the intention of disrupting the media industry by building a platform that empowers young people who want to tell stories that will help their communities. R has a wide range of experience – which includes filmmaking, directing, advertising and marketing – and a unique perspective to help him achieve his mission.

R is prioritizing issues of diversity, inclusion, mental health and gun violence through S.I.C.: “Why do we have to treat entertainment as this way to escape from reality, when we could just introduce entertainment that’s going to improve our realities, and improve how we treat each other, seriously making the world a better place?”

With S.I.C.’s platform, it has the potential to become a major name in media, prioritizing art over algorithms.

About Alyssa Monte

Alyssa Monte is an artist and writer from Mahopac, NY. She earned her BFA in Photography and Journalism from SUNY Purchase in May of 2021.

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