Louise Leonard

category: Visual,

Contact & Info

Website: http://www.blackfoxedit.com

Phone: 9142074008

  • louisewleonard@gmail.com

Artist Statement

My writing is known for its intensity and control. I choose subjects that are compelling to me – love, death, suicide, survival – and then I try to create works that are alive and fresh.  Though I have published traditional narrative prose, I more and more aim for work that illuminates the written word – that makes it exciting and relevant to contemporary life.  This means adding documents, histories and visuals such as photographs and archival material to bring my words and texts to life.  I love many forms and styles of writing, from the energy of William Faulkner to the detachment and intensity of German (and contemporary) trauma literature, to contemporary poets and writers with imagination, style and either great subtlety or great force.

Educational Background

Columbia College



Victoria University