James Barkley

category: Visual,

Contact & Info

  • jbarkleyart@gmail.com

Artist Statement

James Barkley is known as one of the most Diversified Concept Artist on any subject that is presented to him. His talents are so varied that he receives commissions in every area of the art field: Entertainment Arts, Children's Books, Classic Literature, Advertising/TV, Book Cover Art, Fine Arts, School Text Books, Newspapers/Magazines, and the Portraits of Famous Personalities and Political Figures. In the Book titled "Greatest Album Covers of All Time", they selected James Barkley's Socially Conscious Imagery for "Ship Ahoy" by the O'Jays as one of the most Visually Empowering Rhythm & Blues Art Covers. His Career spans the gamut as a Gold Medal Fine Artist & Illustrator, Art Professor, Lecturer, and Athletic Coach. His work was featured in the Major Exhibition at the Norman Rockwell Museum and his Artwork of the United States Postal Stamp is permanently exhibited at the Smithsonian Institute. James was commissioned & traveled for National Geographic to Illustrate a series of paintings on the Effects of Acid Rain On Our Ever Threatened Environment. The United States Dept. of Interior sent him to the Tundra of Alaska to paint the Magic and Majesty of Mt. McKinley and it's National Park. NBC TV hired James to Illustrate, with his sensitive point of view, the Women's Rights Movement for their many TV Specials. James Barkley enjoys Teaching Children and Adults with Varied Abilities. He encourages his students to...TRY Your Best, Knowledge has No Age Limit, Make the Effort, and Develop a Thirst for Learning. The Experiences Stay with you Forever. Art is Everywhere. Everything we Touch, Feel and See has been Created and Designed. We need to just Stop, Look, Listen, and View the Kaleidoscope of Life circling around us. As a Professor at The Parsons School of Design in NY and at The University of Bridgeport CT many of Today's Successful Artists were influenced by his Positive and Passionate Teaching Methods. He Lectured & Critiqued at Pratt Institute, Marymount College, School of Visual Arts etc. At the Society of Illustrators in NY, he lectured to Teachers from Across America on How to Shape "The Professional Education of a Young Artist " and "Getting Students Ready." Make Learning Compelling, Arouse Curiosity, Create Intriguing Programs, and Early Involvement in the Arts are a few of his Philosophies. He was the Co-Founder, for 18 years, of the successful Nonprofit Organization in NY called "The Spartan Football Club" which ranged in ages 12-18. Over 200 boys and 23 skilled coaches participated each year. Many Collegiate Athletic Scholarships were awarded to deserving boys. As a Coach & Artist, James volunteered his skills in The Westchester County's School Programs, Athletic Sports Clubs, and Public Libraries. Armstrong's and James Barkley's Newbery Award winning children's book "Sounder"  was turned into a big-screen movie adaptation along with the Powerfully Created Visions of Barkley's Paintings of the 1900's depression-era in Louisiana where segregated families faced tragic struggles. With his varied skills he creates Artwork for Operas, Musicals, Orchestras and Conductors: La Boheme, Merry Widow, Madame Butterfly, Rigaletto, My Fair Lady, Fritz Reiner etc., and Jazz, Pop Culture Artists, The Classics, Rock 'n Roll for The British Rock Symphony Tribute Tours to: The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Who, Led Zeppelin, and Pink Floyd. He Created Art for the Book Classics of Pearl S. Buck, James Mitchener, James Baldwin, Alex Haley to Stephen King, and many other Renown Authors. In Life each is responsible for the next one's success. It is a chain of cohesion and our actions form the whole. My students learn to Believe in Themselves which starts from the Inside Out.

Educational Background