Greta Corens

Contact & Info


Artist Statement

How do my backgrounds in Architectural Interior Design and Fashion Design blend to form an Artist and an Art Teacher? By learning from the Masters to paint in all mediums, expanding the range with classes in Anatomy, and by continuous life drawing sessions, my range as an artist was constantly enriched with artistic quality influences, while my career in fashion design induced a practical sense of style, elegance, value, and quality. These factors translate into intuitive color expression, the finesse of composition in art, seeking to portray conceptually enthralling or realistic subject matter, while enhancing and defining the artist and art teacher always more. Most importantly: this education has created the desire to enrich other artists with these experiences and depth to strengthen their expressive ability.

Educational Background

Humanities at H.Graf Institute, Turnhout, Belgium

Received my A1 degree (MFA) University degree in Art, Architecture, Design from St Lucas Institute of Architecture Div. St Imelda, Brussels, Belgium

1999-2022: Drawing and Painting classes with well-known artists in US and Europe among others Oscar Borgia, Richard Kidwell Miller, John Grieco, David Fox, Karl Gnass, Abraham Neufeld, Yuri Atararin.

2017: Fashion Illustration classes with Renaldo Barnette, Illustrator for Ralph Lauren
2008 and 2020 to 2022: Life Drawing classes with Karl Gnass at The Los Angeles American Animation Institute and ZOOM anatomy drawing classes.
2007-2008, 2019-2022: Royal Antwerp Academy of Art, Belgium Oil painting, anatomy painting
2021: Florence, Italy: St Petersburgh Art Academy: Still Life and Plein Air Painting in oil and Watercolors


Classes, Workshops