Geroge Pali

category: Visual,

Contact & Info

Artist Statement

Now I live in Yonkers, New York where I enjoy my family life. My "day job" presently is the head of design developing for Marketing & Communication at Shearman & Sterling LLP, 599 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10022. My paintings are colorful, textured, and technically executed. My images weave images of music, my past and remains of my daily life, Albanian and American patterns and compositions. Expressionistic, painterly, and inspirational. For more information call: 1 (212)-848-7767 from 9 - 5:30 Monday - Friday (New York time) or 1 (914) 434-1906 Exhibitions & Collections Gallery 444, 444 Post Street, San Fransisco, CA - On going [Represented on the West Coast] Walnut Street Gallery, 221 East Walnut St., Springfield, MO - On going [represented] Agora Gallery, 415 West Broadway, New York, NY 10012 [represented from 3/2003 - 3/2004] New York Arts Equity Gallery, 498 Broome Street, SOHO, NYC, Sep.1st, 2003 (One man show) Western Publishing, 350 Third Avenue, New York, NY - May- June 2003 (One man show) Biennale Internazionale Dellâ??Arte Contemporanea, December 2003, Florence, ITALY The International Academy of Modern Arts, March 2003, Rome, ITALY Images of Art, 540 Nepperhan, Yonkers, NY, Nov16-Dec 30 2002, (One Man Show) The Ninth Life Fine Art Gallery, St Thomas, US, Virgin Islands, September 2002, (One Man Show) Gora Gallery, Montreal, Canada, June 19 - July 10, 2002 Purple Gallery, New Rochelle, Two Year Round Show, November 1997 - November 1999 Art Coalition of Manhattan, Group Show, 96 St. and Broadway, New York City, December 1996 The Wall Gallery, New York University, One Man Show, 44 West 4th St. SOHO New York City Ward Nasse Gallery, Prince Street, SOHO, NYC, Summer 1996 Kresge Art Center, East Lansing Michigan, One Man Show, 1991 Center Art Gallery, Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan, Group Exhibition, 1989 Group Exhibition: Albania 1980, 1983, 1985, 1986, 1987.

Educational Background

I received my BFA from the Institute of Arts in Tirana, Albania in 1981. In January 1988 I escaped from Albania for political and artistic freedom. Later immigrated to USA where I pursued my Master of Fine Arts at Michigan State University, I graduated in 1991.