Ryan Cronin

category: Visual,

Contact & Info

  • cronartusa@gmail.com

Artist Statement

When people look at my work I want them to feel an immediate impact, even if they're not sure what hit them. The raw, almost childlike appearance of my work belies my reflective underlying vision. I delight in unexpected or enigmatic juxtapositions in terms of both theme and placement, and often bring a sense of humor to bear on troubling contemporary issues. This sensibility, combined with quick, instinctive brushstrokes and a vibrant palette, result in striking images that can simultaneously disturb and entertain. While a keen sense of composition informs my work, I like to cite the less cultivated elements of the hand-lettered sign and the pop song, as two key influences that Whave contributed as much as my formal training to my bold signature style. These influences have led to the creation of an art that is referential, though not necessarily representational, thought-provoking and playful, and that takes the viewer on a brief, lyrical journey full of free association and surprise. WHEN SOMEONE ENCOUNTERS ONE OF MY PIECES I WANT THEM TO EXPERIENCE A NEW PERCEPTION OR SUDDEN INSIGHT AND ABOVE ALL, TO ENJOY THEMSELVES IN THE PROCESS. I HOPE THE ENCOUNTER WILL CHANGE THEIR DAY, MAYBE GIVE THEM SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT OR REMARK UPON LATER. AND IF THE PAINTING AND THE VIEWER REALLY GET ALONG, PERHAPS IT WILL BE THE START OF A LIFELONG RELATIONSHIP.

Educational Background

1998- SUNY New Paltz (BFA)