Adam Rudin

category: Music,

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Artist Statement

Acoustic guitars, smooth vocals and cool flute riffs: some call it 'world' or 'latin-american' music, but that's just too generic. Andinay is more than the sum of it's sounds. There's something immediately likeable about their finger-picked, plucked, and richly harmonized melodies. The songs get into your head and stay there. Both onstage and in their recordings, Andinay delivers high energy and dreamy unplugged soundscapes that are sure to captivate your soul. The music is completely original and fresh, yet Andinay radiates strikingly familiar airyness and melancholy. Maybe it's because most of the instruments they play have been around for thousands of years. Or maybe it's their global message of unity and recurrent themes of freedom and change that resonate within our inner selves. Bella cual la grandeza de los Andes es la música de Andinay. Joven conjunto de intérpretes sudamericanos que en sus melodías nos recuerdan el paisaje, las costumbres, y el canto de nuestras tierras maravillosas. Vivamos en paz con este lema de contenido profundamente humano y actual, Andinay musicaliza el Aillu, el Huayra, el Pungo (Terruño, viento, casa) y todos los elementos del ambiente andino y justifica su nombre: ANDES y su terminología ancestral AY que es el hogar del canto en las alturas.

Educational Background