NEW DATE! MAG presents the first “Jump Start Your Art, 2019” workshop

2019 Jump Start Your Art – Optimizing Digital Images of Your Art

 Mamaroneck Artists Guild presents the first of four sessions of 2019 Jump Start Your Art, a continuation of our professional development program for new, emerging and established artists.

This presentation will demonstrate how to use PhotoShop Elements to prepare images of your artwork for juried exhibition, developing your portfolio and web site, social media posts, etc.

Topics include adjusting white balance, cropping, correcting image distortion, image resizing, color enhancement and much more!

This event includes a detailed PowerPoint presentation followed by a question and answer opportunity with our guest speaker, Christine Ivers.

This workshop is a MUST for those who want to maximize the visual impact of their work.

Event Details:

Cost: $30 MAG Members & $35 Non-Members
Date/time: Sunday, July 21, 1-3 pm
Location: Mamaroneck Artists Guild, 126 Larchmont Ave, Larchmont, NY 10538
Phone: 914-834-1117
Contact Email:
Information for entries:

 Additional JUMP START YOUR ART events are being planned for Fall 2019 including:

 MOTIVATION AND CREATIVITYHow to stoke your motivation and creativity to work more effectively and tips on how to deal with creative blocks and rejection. A panel discussion

 HOW TO MARKET YOUR ARTHow to use a combination of traditional channels and social media tools to exhibit and sell your art. Guest Speaker

 RESIDENCIES, GRANTS AND EXHIBITION OPPORTUNITIES How to identify suitable residencies and grants to deepen your skills and broaden your artistic vision. Four Artists present their advice and experiences.

 Coming in the Fall, watch for more information!

About Mamaroneck Artists’ Guild

Mamaroneck Artists Guild is a group of approximately 300 artists, all of whom have been juried into the Guild for their media. The Guild has a gallery in Larchmont where paintings, photographs, sculpture, ceramics, jewelry, glass and fiber arts are available for sale. The Guild hosts a new show of members work approximately every three weeks, alternating group shows with solo shows. Gallery Hours: Tuesday-Saturday, Noon-5 p.m. or by appointment