This Season, Help Spread the Love of the Arts All Year Long

ArtsWestchester’s Family ArtsBash provides affordable arts activities for the whole family to enjoy (photo credit: Margaret Fox)

At the end of each year, around Thanksgiving and the holidays, many people evaluate and remember what they are thankful for.  ArtsWestchester believes the arts to be one of those vital gifts that enriches lives and enhances wellbeing.  For this reason, the organization works throughout the year to bring the arts to every community in Westchester County.

Rye Arts Center’s dance workshop for Parkinson’s Disease patients, supported by ArtsWestchester (photo courtesy of Rye Arts Center)

On Giving Tuesday, a donation of any size to ArtsWestchester can help bring access to the arts for every Westchester citizen. After all, art helps all of us become better educated and connected to the world. Every gift counts when it comes to making lives more colorful.

Throughout the year, ArtsWestchester makes learning more active and engaging for local students by integrating the arts into school curriculums; it supports cultural programming and arts projects through grants, especially in underserved communities; it expands arts opportunities for people with special needs; and it brings seniors and students to cultural sites through transportation initiatives.


ArtsWestchester’s Gallery Director gave a tailored tour of its Give Us The Vote exhibition to a group of local schoolchildren (photo credit: Debbie Scates)

This is just a small part of what ArtsWestchester does. Reflecting on their own 2017, many people will recall family outings to a theater performance, outdoor concerts with friends or personal time contemplating the artworks in a local museum or gallery. Chances are that ArtsWestchester helped to support the programs and events that created those fond memories. In fact, it is likely that anyone who has experienced the arts in Westchester has been touched by ArtsWestchester in some way.

In the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, it is often easy for people to lose sight of what makes a difference in their daily lives.  By keeping those 2017 memories in mind, and donating a small gift to ArtsWestchester, will help the organization to make a difference in peoples’ lives – not just for the holidays, but throughout the entire year. Every gift really does count this Giving Tuesday.


Jazz Fest 2017 (photo credit: Mary Alice Franklin)

To donate today, please click here

About ArtsWestchester

For more than 50 years, ArtsWestchester has been the community’s connection to the arts. Founded in 1965, it is the largest private not-for-profit arts council in New York State. Its mission is to create an equitable, inclusive, vibrant and sustainable Westchester County in which the arts are integral to and integrated into every facet of life. ArtsWestchester provides programs and services that enrich the lives of everyone in Westchester County. ArtsWestchester helps fund concerts, exhibitions and plays through grants; brings artists into schools and community centers; advocates for the arts; and builds audiences through diverse marketing initiatives. In 1998, ArtsWestchester purchased the nine-story neo-classical bank building at 31 Mamaroneck Avenue which has since been transformed into a multi-use resource for artists, cultural organizations and the community. A two-story gallery is located on the first floor of ArtsWestchester’s historic building on Mamaroneck Avenue.

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