Concordia Conservatory UNIQUE Concert for Audiences with Special Needs

UNIQUE Concert “Time” for Music for Audiences with Special Needs

Saturday, November 2 

Stamford, CT — Concordia Conservatory presents its opening show of the 2024-25 UNIQUE Series season, “Time” for Music, on Saturday, November 2 at three locations: The Reformed Church of Bronxville at 10 am (180 Pondfield Rd), Concordia Conservatory Stamford at 1 pm (884 Newfield Ave) and at the New Canaan Public Library at 3pm (151 Main St).

The UNIQUE Series is an interactive music experience created specifically for neurodiverse children and adults. This musical show encapsulates a musical time machine as we explore the unique qualities of rhythm, beat, and tempo.  The audience will join the journey through different eras and cultures, discovering how time shapes the music we love.  

The show is written and hosted by Concordia Conservatory faculty Rami Vamos, and performed by a string quartet of Conservatory faculty, Emanouil Manolov and Emily Kalish, violins, Lukas Shrout, viola, and Jonathan Kim, cello.  Conservatory ambassadors for the UNIQUE Series are Kathleen Moriarty, Lilly Slaughter, and Ashton Turner. 

The show will engage audiences with elements of music therapy and family friendly humor while making classical music accessible to the individuals, their families and caregivers, in three  intimate concert settings, bringing this truly “unique” live music experience to our neurodiverse community. 

Concordia Conservatory is a community music school dedicated to enriching people through the power of music. We offer music education for all ages & abilities, including private instruction in all instruments, and voice, musical theater, ensembles. We also provide music & art therapy to group classes and in private sessions.  Currently, the Conservatory provides weekly music & art therapy to 450 students ages 4 to 22 in the Stamford Public School Districts in Connecticut, as well as the Eastchester Public School District in New York.

UNIQUE concert tickets are $6 for children/seniors and $12 for adults. To purchase, visit  or call 203-595-5059 / 914-395-4507.

The UNIQUE concert series was created in partnership with Orchestra Lumos.   

About Concordia Conservatory

Concordia Conservatory, a preeminent center for music education in Westchester County, is a welcoming community where children and adults find lifelong inspiration and joy through learning, performing, listening to, and participating with others in music. Concordia Conservatory offers top quality music programs for early childhood, youth, adults and seniors. The Conservatory’s mission is to inspire, instruct, and enrich lives through music, offering excellence in education and performance. Concordia Conservatory is a not-for-profit, tax-exempt educational institution. Since 1977, Concordia Conservatory has offered music programs for early childhood, youth, and adults. Financial aid and active community outreach partnerships provide access for all. Concordia Conservatory is governed by a 17-member board of directors.

The mission of Concordia Conservatory is to inspire, instruct, and enrich lives through music, offering excellence in education and performance. Concordia Conservatory, an accredited member of the National Guild of Community Arts Education, offers top-quality music programs for early childhood, youth and adults and seniors in Bronxville, New York. With a faculty of highly educated, working musicians and artists, Concordia Conservatory has developed a rich array of programming. Offerings include private instruction in all instruments including voice, group and chamber music instruction, music theory and composition, musical theatre classes, an annual tuition-free community musical production, early childhood music classes, concert series, and camps, music and literature series at public libraries, an honors music program, classes, and music private instruction. Concordia Conservatory’s student body of over 1,500 is drawn from diverse surrounding communities that cover the gamut economically, from affluent Bronxville to impoverished Yonkers. Conservatory’s financial aid and active community outreach partnerships provide access for all, and the diverse faculty and student population represent over 20 countries. Currently over 400 students receive financial aid or full scholarships.