Public Art Installation by Fran Sisco Now at Pelham Art Center

“Nature Culture Sculpture” by Fran Sisco On View in Courtyard

A public installation of sculpture by Fran Sisco is now on view in the Pelham Art Center courtyard. The installation, entitled Nature Culture Sculpture, consists of three found wood assemblage sculptures by Fran Sisco that reflect a message of unity and positivity.  The three sculptures, “My Kelly,” “Blessings of Trans Unicorns” and “Two in Love” are in the courtyard through March 2021.  The colorful pieces are constructed from dead tree limbs and emphasize the beauty in natural simplicity. Visitors can view the installation outdoors at Pelham Art Center, located at 155 Fifth Avenue, Pelham.

Public Art Installation Opening | Oct. 18

Pelham Art Center will host a free public opening of Fran Sisco’s installation on Sunday October, 18th 1:00-3:00PM (Rain Date: Sunday, October 25th). Fran Sisco will be present to discuss her award-winning large wooden sculptures. The artist’s Q&A is followed by three special performances. Singers Teri Lamar (a Westchester favorite) and Freddie Lando (“Golden Voice of the Bronx”) will give a performance accompanied by Baron Raymonde (worldwide sax player) and Joyce Balint (solo mandolinist at the Metropolitan Opera Company, and freelance violinist). Poet Ruth Hanley, who is manager of the Poetry Caravan, a volunteer organization that brings poetry to nursing homes, senior centers and other venues, will perform spoken word poetry. Entertainer Kelly Sisco, Fran’s daughter, will sing a cover and an original song parody with Fran and Fran will recite an original poem. $10 donation to Pelham Art Center is suggested.

Art in the Courtyard | Oct. 25

Join Pelham Art Center on Sunday, October 25th 1:00-3:00pm for artmaking in the courtyard. All ages can participate in an outdoor eco-art workshop inspired by Fran Sisco’s installation. In the event of rain on October 18, the workshop will coincide with the public installation opening.

About Fran Sisco

Fran Sisco is a left-brain/right-brain creative, who freely and fully expresses her creativity and desire to make a difference in the world, by focusing on issues of authenticity, honesty, fairness, kindness, diversity and inclusiveness. She interacts her left-brain analytical and detailed skills coupled with her right-brain skills of lateral thinking, intuition and sensitivity, applied to various creative disciplines including visual arts including painting and sculptures, writing songs, poems, plays, and entertaining (including stand-up comedy and singing), filmmaking, producing scores of shows, radio and internet show hosting, inventions, and motivational speaking.

Fran attributes her varied creative skills to  (a) successful interaction of left and right brains (b) being very intellectually curious (c) her life in two genders that has provided an unusual life perspective (d) her understanding of compelling issues via extensive business experiences, gained by serving literally thousands of clients over the years as their trusted CPA and financial advisor and (e) being blessed with extraordinary opportunities to learn and grow. Learn more at

Pelham Art Center is a non-profit educational and cultural institution committed to providing public access to see, study and experience the arts, foster lifelong arts appreciation and thereby strengthen the community.  The Art Center was founded in 1970 and now serves more than 16,000 people each year. These events and programs are made possible, in part, by the ArtsWestchester with funds from Westchester County Government. Pelham Art Center also receives funding from: New York State Council on the Arts, A State Agency; Westchester Community Foundation; Pelham Community Members and Annual Fund Donors.

About Pelham Art Center

The Pelham Art Center is a non-profit educational and cultural institution committed to providing access to study, experience and appreciate the arts. The Pelham Art Center strives to be a vibrant, engaging arts space that provides unique opportunities to learn and enhance artistic skills and practices. With community at our core, we welcome participants of diverse backgrounds to foster connections and encourage the open exchange of ideas. Pelham Art Center has vibrant exhibitions, public programs, and art education opportunities. Hours: Monday-Wed & Fri., 9 am – 5 pm, Thursday, 9am-7pm, Sat. &; Sun., 10 am – 4 pm

Mission and History Pelham Art Center is a nonprofit educational and cultural insitution committed to providing public access to see, study, and experience the arts, foster lifelong arts appreciation and thereby strengthen the community of Southern Westchester and surronding areas. Art Classes are run for children and adults all year. The Pelham Art Center gallery exhibits are open to the public and also offers free public programs, artist talks, and concerts on a regular basis.