Yasemin Kackar-Demirel

category: Visual,

Contact & Info

Artist Statement

In my paintings, drawings and textile works, I explore the physical and mental confrontations I experience when entering and exiting a space. Being in a physical space inspires me to contemplate on concepts of freedom, boundaries, belonging, safety, residuals and memory. In all my interactions with a place, whether I am enclosed in a room or out in an open field, I ponder in feelings of buoyancy, transience, and comfort: How do I take up space here? Do I belong, feel safe here? What will stay with me when I leave? Who will I be when I exit? In my works, I probe these feelings, acknowledging their fluid, ever-evolving nature. I start the process of engaging in my works by gathering formal elements and structural cues from architecture, geometry, and geography. From this point forward, I let the composition flow and grow intuitively. To me, a work’s surface is a boundless landscape that comes into realization as I build upon it by the process of making connections with materials, tracing, fragmenting, mark-making, and creating shapes.

Educational Background

MFA, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL 2004

Museum Studies Certificate, Northern Illinois University, 2004

BFA, Mimar Sinan University, Istanbul, Turkey, 2001