Sarah Fass

category: Visual,

Contact & Info

Phone: 914 629-1882


Artist Statement

I came from a difficult family environment and have been "hiding in plain sight all my life".  Becoming a great grandmother, helped me decide that I can't hide any more, so I decided to come out of hiding and be a part of the world.  The question is "what part"? Creating art was always my passion.  I had designed package labels for a paint company, created art for catalog covers, painted houses and worked as a decorator.  Now I work every day using paint, paper, items that are discarded and other materials I find interesting.  I read stories of inventions by women and decided to use a smorgasbord of materials to create my artwork.  I also took classes and have won awards.  Working on your own without a formal art education can be both scary and exciting at the same time, but I learned that there is no right or wrong way to creativity - you just "do it!" In my Art Studio, I have quotations that I try to incorporate in my life. Eleanor Roosevelt said "You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.  You are able to say to yourself, "I have lived through this horror.  I can take the next thing that comes along"...You must do the thing you think you cannot do". THE GREATEST RISK IS NOT TAKING ONE.

Educational Background