Raphael Zollinger

category: Visual,

Contact & Info

Artist Statement

I combine the languages inherent in both sculpture and photography to construct forms that break down the distinctions between image and object, expression and documentation, icon and index, art and technology.  Image and form are fused to function as a lens looking at both the past, by way of imagery carried on the surface that captures specific autobiographical moments, while remaining rooted in the present, by way of the object’s digitally derived facture.  This process enables me to question how objects and images build and shed meaning over time within a screen-based culture.  Underlying this is an investigation into what happens when images are re-contextualized in not just form, function and materiality, but also in time.  With these works, I seek to bridge the everyday and the political, connect history with the present, and in turn, blur the border between personal and collective memory.

Educational Background

MPS. New York University, ITP, Tisch School of the Arts

BFA. Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY. Sculpture