Randy Frost

category: Visual,

Contact & Info

Phone: (914) 337-7122

  • fiberarch@gmail.com

Artist Statement

My path to quilting has moved through graphic design, painting and gardening, with sewing as my constant companion.  I view things through an abstract lens, leaving space for life's experiences and my passion for gardens to float into the composition.  My quilts are composed improvisationally on the studio wall, allowing me to move pieces around quickly.  When working in a series, the scraps of the most recent quilt become the "sourdough starter"  for the next.   Frequently elements intended for other uses are recycled into my quilts, such as buttons, glass, threads, netting, or antique lace---anything goes.  I am a dedicated recycler. I have been a teacher for many years, beginning with painting classes for children.   I work with children, adults, special needs populations, and seniors, creating quilt projects that are tailored to their themes and programs.

Educational Background

Rhode Island School of Design, BFA, Graphic Design painting: studied with Kenneth Jacobs, Barbara Pato Quilt studies: Nancy Crow, Michael James, Virginia Avery