Paige Trocchia

category: Visual, Visual-Illustration,

Contact & Info

Artist Statement

Paige's whimsical, tranquil artistic style produces designs that elicit strong emotions.
The color contrast and vivid lines of her work make her art stand out. She uses pen and
markers as her primary medium. As an illustrator, Paige's inspiration comes from a
variety of sources, including the logos of businesses, her environment and popular
trends. When it comes to art, Paige loves to show that the possibilities are endless and
the canvas can be anywhere. As a freelancer, she was hired to design collages of
custom illustration for her clients' newborn nursery. As a passionate entrepreneur and
creator, Paige also brings innovative ideas to the table. When it comes to advertising,
she loves to combine art with marketing as a communication tool. Her education in
Business Development has given her a strategy-oriented perspective of marketing,
advertising, and social media. She continues to create different products with her art, in
2021, she published a coloring book called "Make Up The Coloring Book," that can be
purchased on Amazon. She continues to explore her horizons by experimenting with
new things and accumulating a diverse portfolio.

Educational Background

Paige studied at Five Towns College with a major in Music Business from 2013-2014. She then studied Liberal Arts at Westchester Community College in 2015-2016. There, she studied drawing, painting and art therapy. Paige decided to return to Five Towns College to major in Business/Management from 2016-2020 and graduated with a Bachelor's in Business Administration.