Hilda Demsky

category: Visual,

Contact & Info

Website: http://www.hildademsky.com

Phone: 914 318-4443

  • hildademsky@optimum.net

Artist Statement

My inspiration for painting comes  directly from nature.I  create an image that hovers between the real and the abstract.  The play of light and shadow on rocks and streams help me paint the many moods of outdoor terrain. I explore the vibrancy and power of the ocean, bays and brooks  along with the changing colors of the seasons.   My method of working is to simplify natural forms through direct observation, to draw and paint on site, and to bring these images back to the studio for further reflection and transformation.   I choose sites for painting because they are places for contemplation. I love rocky gorges and cascading waters which I feel are metaphors for life's cycles. Calling attention to our natural environment is one way of protecting it. Painting helps me appreciate  nature.

Educational Background

BFA Carnegie Mellon Uniiversity; studied color with Josef Albers. MFA Hunter College