Helena V. de Vengoechea

category: Visual,

Contact & Info

Artist Statement

The Museum of Messages is a photo project that began in 1999. These photographs are images of messages that people have written or designed in landscapes, mostly urban, about the environment, love, politics, humor, loyalty and freedom of self expression.   As an artist I think it is very important to document these visual voices because people are attempting to publicize their thoughts for others to read, think and learn.   Since these words don't have a very long life span, because cleaning crews paint over or wash away these expressions, I feel that it is my duty to document these words with my camera and, when I think it is appropriate, I digitally modify the photo so that the message is emphasized.   Although the original messages are not my creation, my goal is to share the work of these anonymous artists in exhibitions and publications so that others can enjoy their contributions.

Educational Background

B.S. in Journalism at the University of Colorado in Boulder   A.A.S. in Graphic Design at Parsons School of Design in NYC