Deborah Maier

category: Visual,

Contact & Info

Artist Statement

In monoprints I tell stories of the fascinating characters and compelling vignettes I have witnessed in the wide world and in my own hypnagogic states. Photography enables me to grasp fleeting forms and juxtapositions in the natural and manmade world and to train the eye to be constantly aware of abstract beauties. My animation is an exploration of the subliminal and subconscious movements of the mind, elicited through the use of difficult---unyielding/too-yielding---materials manipulated directly under the camera. This demanding task is in the service of narratives both interior and exterior. In writing---mostly poetry now, published and performed---my task is to honor the details in persons, objects and situations, especially somatic/kinetic details, to create spaces in the mind for emotions that may not be recognizable or easy to label. Major concerns: protection of the environment, child labor, empowerment of women worldwide, intercultural understanding. More coming soon on my animation and writing pursuits. Get in touch, or check back! To view my monoprints website, visit

Educational Background

Experiences and studies in various corners of this glorious world...never abating!