Rachel White

category: Visual,

Contact & Info

Artist Statement

The common thread throughout my work is the expression of action: past, future and present. Despite the often heavy burden my subject appears to be floating in order to point out the weight of its physicality, emphasizing the/our active moment in time, in life, in existence.   The Polo Series:  Reminiscent of classical and renaissance equine depictions. The polo horse has a monumental physique. He embodies a war like action, and primal freedom, recklessness. In this series I use scale to envelop the viewer, creating a life-like panorama. In this case, the viewer is thrust into the midst of charging Polo horses, he/she is surrounded by the thunderous hooves as the horses pursue the ball.   Women with Engines Series: Examines and expresses the strength, grace and even lure of the subject despite its burden. The women are classically nude, poised in corporate high heels, while maneuvering high performance engines (Bugatti, Ferrari etc.).

Educational Background

98Master of Fine Arts - Sculpture/Digital Arts, NYSCC, Alfred University, Alfred, NY   96Bachelor of Fine Arts - Fine Arts 1996, College for Creative Studies, Detroit, MI
